
The Supply Chain Summit is designed for supply and logistics managers and coordinators in the FMCG industry. The program will feature specialised sessions on the present landscape of the Supply Chain sector of the FMCG industry. The day will provide attendees with a unique opportunity to gain insight from thought leaders, anticipate future trends, share practical experiences and network with industry peers.

Discover the Supply Chain Summit

The Sales Summit is designed for sales and account managers in the FMCG industry with the day’s program focussing on the unique issues facing the Sales and Commercial sector of the FMCG industry. Join us for a day filled with insightful discussions that will provide an opportunity to develop new capabilities and strengthen connections with key stakeholders.

Discover the Sales Summit

The Sustainability Summit is designed for sustainability, packaging, legal and finance managers in the FMCG industry with the day’s program focussing on the unique issues facing the sustainability sector of the FMCG industry and the upcoming associated reporting and legal requirements. Join us for a day filled with insightful discussions that will provide an opportunity to develop new capabilities and strengthen connections with key stakeholders.

Discover the Sustainability Summit

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ACT 2604

P: (02) 6273 1466

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