7:45 AM
 Event Foyer

Future Leaders Forum Registration Open
Registration open from 7:45am

 8:30 AM
 South Ballroom
Join us for a networking challenge

 9:15 AM
 South Ballroom
Session 1 - You do you: The Zeducation of a generation
Generation Z. Gen Z. Zoomers. iGeneration. Centennials. Post-millennials. ­­Call them what you will ­­– they are those among us born during the late nineties and early 2000s.

According to new research out of Stanford University, Generation Z is “the first generation never to know the world without the internet, value diversity and finding their own unique identities.”

They are “a highly collaborative cohort that cares deeply about others and have a pragmatic attitude about how to address a set of inherited issues like climate change”. – Roberta Katz, Stanford University

In Australia, Gen Z makes up around 20% of the population and almost 30% of the world’s. In this session, begin to learn about what makes Gen Z tick. For businesses, this is key because, as Gen Z’s earning power increases, so too does their buying power. Regardless of your niche market, Gen Z represents a huge opportunity for sustainable business growth


Ashley Fell

Social Researcher & Demographer | McCrindle Speakers

 10:00 AM
 South Ballroom

Leadership Panel Session

Bill Heague
General Manager | Mars Food Australia

Claire Smith

General Manager - ANZ | SC Johnson

Genevieve Piedade

Head of Retail | Noshu

 10:30 AM
 South Ballroom

Mentor Session

 10:45 AM
 Main Foyer
Morning Tea
To be served in the main conference foyer

 11:15 AM
 South Ballroom

Networking Challenge

 11:30 AM
 South Ballroom
Session 2 - Augmented: Smart moves into smart technologies

Do buzzwords such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and eCommerce keep you up at night? Do the intricate complexities of implementing big data put you to sleep?

While FMCG and supermarket retail have lived through significant digital transformation in recent years driven by technological advances, our industry now finds itself in the enviable position of being at the pinnacle of new-breed innovation and a statesman for other industries to refer to when it comes to best practice.

The use of AI in our sector has made it possible to uncover viable solutions to industry issues, implementing commercial efficiencies and, subsequently, optimising towards competitor outmanoeuvring and customer experience. The benefits of applying these new technologies to your own organisation, for example, software that can assist with economies of speed, as well as improve logistics, optimise processes, and drive sales, are never-ending.

This session will remedy any lingering app-nea you may have about taking on AI and emerging technologies. Listen to the lived-in experiences of others and learn how embracing emerging technologies can positively impact the people within your organisation, your trading partners and, ultimately, your customers.


Anders S
Managing Director | Thinque

 12:15 PM
 South Ballroom

Leadership Panel Session

Keith Shortall
FMCG Executive

Miles Wilson

Managing Director - Australia | Red Bull

Ray Hanly
Group Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director | Beak & Johnston

 12:45 PM
 South Ballroom

Mentor Session

 1:00 PM
 Main Foyer
To be served in the main conference foyer

 1:45 PM
 South Ballroom

Networking Challenge

 2:00 PM
 South Ballroom
Session 3 - Outwit, outplay and outlast: Keeping your edge
Did you know that only a handful of companies have managed to hold onto their competitiveness for more than 5 years?

When you do something better than everyone else, your competitors will eventually follow suit. And it doesn't take very long at all before you find that you’ve lost that all important competitive advantage.

Transient advantage (Gunther McGrath, The End of Competitive Advantage) recognises that businesses and companies alike must learn to launch new initiatives over and over, as well as create a set of advantages that can be built up and then abandoned just as quickly to remain relevant with burgeoning consumer appetites.

In this session, learn how sustainable competitive advantage has become increasingly obsolete, especially in the past decade, and the part that innovation, especially within FMCG, must play to keep things relatable. Without sustainable competitive advantage, success means capturing innovative trends quickly, exploiting them decisively and then moving onto the next thing. It’s all about learning to thrive, not just survive, in a transient advantage economy.


Amantha Imber

Founder | Inventium

 2:45 PM
 South Ballroom

Leadership Panel Session

Chris Elliott
Chief Executive Officer | Barambah/five:am

Kate Solly
Acting Chief Executive Officer | CAPI

Michael Perich
Chief Executive Officer | noumi

Natalie Davis

Managing Director | Woolworths Supermarkets

 3:15 PM
 South Ballroom

Mentor Session

 3:30 PM
 Main Foyer
Afternoon Tea
To be served in the main conference foyer

 4:00 PM
 South Ballroom
Session 4 - The leader accelerator 

Some food for thought from those that came before…

­­– “A boss has the title; the leader has the people.”—Simon Sinek 

– “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” —Ronald Reagan

Are you a positive influence on those around you? Do you motivate others to be the best they can be?

Purposeful leadership is foundational to success and inspirational leadership starts with you: how you feel about yourself, your actions and your attitude. Given the right conditions, everyone has the potential to lead. However, you need to be open to those opportunities available and rise to meet each challenge. By leading yourself and engaging in meaningful daily interactions with others, you can make the most positive impact.

Our leadership session will help you gain an insight into personal and organisational leadership, which will go towards fostering a supportive environment for super-charging your success as a future leader. By understanding the principles of authentic leadership, you will unlock your innate potential, accelerating growth through day-to-day accomplishments.


Sacha Coburn

Leadership Consultant | The Company You Keep

 5:00 PM
 Main Foyer
Networking Drinks
Further networking and a chance to discuss the day in the main foyer

 7:00 PM
 South Ballroom

Event Close

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